selected projects

Exhibition Behind the Things: Industrial Design in Venezuela

Caracas, Venezuela

The Estancia Art Center in Caracas was inaugurated in 2005, an initiative of the national company Petróleos de Venezuela (Pdvsa) to promote design and photography. The Center opened with a national industrial design exhibition: Detrás de las Cosas: El Diseño Industrial en Venezuela, curated by Architect Alberto Sato, assisted by Ignacio Urbina and the collaboration designers, professionals and advisors.

A kind of shop window with a wavy band showed small objects in the center of the main hall. Almost one hundred products were exhibited in this exhibition, the largest industrial design exhibition ever held in Venezuela.

Exhibition design and museology of this exposition was a collaborative project with Venezuelan architect Marcel Erminy and aimed to show objects designed and manufactured in the country, in the spaces of a colonial house in the city of Caracas.

Photography work was directed by Jorge Andrés Castillo and graphic design by Ariel Pintos.